Transport User Voice February 2024 – Your Bus Journey survey
31 January 2024
Looking forward to end of year results
Over the past year, passengers across many parts of England and Scotland have been having their say as part of the new Your Bus Journey survey and the first full year of results are due to be published in March.
Why is the survey important?
More than three billion local bus passenger journeys took place in England and Scotland in the last year – travelling by bus is a key part of how communities and individuals commute, visit family and friends, shop and get to school. Well over half the journeys taken on public transport are by bus and Governments and the bus industry is working to encourage more people to use their local bus.
The survey provides a robust, comparable benchmark set of data that can be used by transport authorities, bus operators and governments to identify what really makes a difference to a bus passenger’s journey. The survey is one of the biggest undertaken and includes 34 local transport authority areas and one bus operator in England (outside London) and six regional partnerships in Scotland.
What are we asking passengers?
The survey has spoken with passengers on more than 35,000 journeys and we’ve asked passengers at both the bus stop and on the bus to participate – with many accessible ways for them to complete the questionnaire.
It takes a different approach to previous surveys and will continuously collect the experiences of bus passengers in participating areas over an entire year. We’ve been asking questions across seven keys areas including: overall satisfaction, value for money, the bus stop, the bus driver, and reliability. Our mid-year report gives some strong indications of what we can expect at the end of the year.
Turning data into delivery
We’ll be working closely with organisations to ensure the evidence from the survey is turned from data to delivery. This will enable action plans and investment to make a positive impact both today and tomorrow for passengers.
We will be publishing end of year reports that will provide a summary of the data that is available to participating areas in England and Scotland. It will look at the findings and provide observations on the factors that may be behind the emerging picture of bus passenger satisfaction.
Throughout 2024 we plan to delve deeper into the 2023 insight to look at key factors such as value for money and journey punctuality. We will showcase best practice examples where the industry is delivering improvements for passengers that are backed up and influenced by results from Your Bus Journey.
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