Diversity and inclusion at Transport Focus
18 July 2022
Today we put our diversity and inclusion strategy on our website. Why is diversity and inclusion so important? And why am I so enthused about this work we’re doing on it?
Firstly, fairness. Everyone in society deserves the same chances in life. This applies to those who currently, or could possibly, use transport. It also applies to those who want to work for and with us.
Secondly, effectiveness. A diverse and inclusive organisation means different perspectives and experiences to generate new ideas and initiatives, which will make our work more relevant and useful.
Thirdly, our legitimacy. We represent transport users (and potential users). We work hard to ensure our work is representative – and we must continue efforts to get to the ‘seldom heard’ to make sure our insight is fully comprehensive. Our website, reports, social media and other outputs must reflect the population. We represent everybody and so we must ensure we look and feel like we do.
We have spent some time challenging what we think we know about these issues. We know that lasting, fundamental change will take time – but it starts now.
Some of the things we plan to do are listed in the strategy. Things like:
- listening and shining a spotlight on those whose voices are often unheard
- recognising our own privilege and power and using it to lift others up – challenging the composition of panels we are asked to speak on, for example
- being aware of implicit biases we might have, and supporting each other to display and coach inclusive behaviour
- not expecting special recognition for being an ally!
We have this dedicated page which we’ll keep up to date on what we are doing in this area. Our group of Diversity and Inclusion Champions will continue to meet, share good practice and hold the organisation to account.
We’ll be looking for opportunities to talk to others and see what they are doing to make strides in this area. We are always keen to learn what we could be doing better. So keep an eye out and let me know what you think at dnichampions@transportfocus.org.uk!