The route ahead: getting passengers back on buses

17 June 2021

Transport Focus carried out an online survey in March and April 2021 into the views and experiences of over 10,000 current, fully lapsed and non-users about bus services in Great Britain. This looked at using buses during Covid-19, expected bus use once things go back to normal, satisfaction with services and priorities for increased use.

This report summarises the results of the survey for England (outside London). Further details, including the findings for London, Wales and Scotland and an analysis of the views of five distinct segments of the population can be found in the accompanying slide deck.

These findings build on the qualitative survey which we published in April.

The route ahead: getting passengers back on buses - full GB research agency report
The route ahead: getting passengers back on buses (quant) agency report for Wales
The route ahead: getting passengers back on buses (quant) agency report for Scotland
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